PORT TOWNSEND — Saturday’s Kids Health Day is an example of the collaborations the Jefferson County YMCA has pursued, said the organization’s executive director.
Kids Health Day will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the front lawn at the Port Townsend Recreation Center, 620 Tyler St.
The YMCA is sponsoring the event in conjunction with the Jefferson County Department of Parks and Recreation and Jefferson Healthcare hospital.
“We have sought out opportunities for collaboration and partnership,” said YMCA Executive Director Erica Delma.
“We have looked at the resources we have and connected with other organizations that have a similar mission.
“By pulling together, we can do more.”
The location and the timing coincide with Saturday’s Port Townsend Farmers Market.
It will include information about summer programming, a cooking demonstration, a performance by the Nanda troupe, a seed-planting demonstration and games and prizes.
“We are promoting the activities that support healthy youth,” Delma said.
“We want to show people what opportunities are available for kids in the county and show that Jefferson County is a healthy, thriving, vibrant place for families and children.”
The YMCA Community Campaign is in progress.
About half of the $40,000 fundraising goal has been raised, Delma said.
The money will support no-fee programs and provide financial help for those who can’t afford to pay for programs, Delma said.
The funds also will go toward expanding the summer meals and literacy program.
Last year, 160 children received more than 5,000 meals.
This year’s goal is to double the program, serving 10,000 meals to 300 children during the school day.
The fund drive continues through May.
Delma promises “a more robust YMCA in Jefferson County,” saying a public outreach program will begin next week to determine what the community wants from the organization.
“Building off of current partnerships, emergent community needs, the Y will be reaching out to the community to find out how we can best serve the county,” she said.
Another partnership project is the “Healthy For 2” program, provided in conjunction with Jefferson Healthcare.
The program is designed for pregnant women, providing guidelines about how to eat right, exercise and manage doctor visits.
It includes free cooking and nutrition classes with hospital chef Arran Stark and prenatal exercise classes, both free.
Women who want to participate in the program, which is in progress, are required to get a referral from their physician and then phone Hillary Thomas at 360-379-8031.
For more information about the YMCA, visit www.jeffersoncountyymca.org or phone 360-385-5811.
Jefferson County Editor Charlie Bermant can be reached at 360-385-2335 or charlie.bermant@peninsuladailynews.com.