SEQUIM — Many of the people wrestling with issues of Sequim’s core won’t be around to see the result. That’s because the plan’s focus is on how the town center will look in 30 to 50 years, its proponents say.
The City Council will submit the plan to a public hearing at a meeting that starts at 6 p.m. Monday in the Sequim Transit Center, 190 W. Cedar St.
After the hearing, council members can send it back to the committee that created it, accept it, change it or postpone a decision.
The plan already has received planning commission approval and went through a public forum Thursday that drew 15 people to the American Legion hall.
There, Frank Needham, city capital projects manager, discussed the proposal that, put simply, establishes a cross-shaped commercial zone whose center is Washington Street and Sequim Avenue.
In the corners created by the cross are areas for high-density residences.