PORT ANGELES — A 19-year-old woman who fell about 35 feet down a rope swing in the woods near Pine Street and U.S. Highway 101 on Thursday suffered rope burns on her hands but no serious injuries, Port Angeles police said.
Police Sgt. Barb McFall said the unidentified woman walked to safety on the Verne Samuelson Trail under her own power, accompanied by paramedics.
“It’s a female who was on the rope swing, slipped, ended up going over the embankment,” McFall said.
“Apparently, she walked out to the trail on her own.”
Medics initially thought they would need to bring in special equipment to free the woman.
McFall said the woman was taken to Olympic Medical Center as a precaution.
“She appeared to be OK,” McFall said.
The woman’s condition could not be determined because her name was not available.