PORT ANGELES — Olympic National Park will begin a rehabilitation project on Hurricane Hill Trail, a popular hike 1.6-mile hike to the top of Hurricane Hill, on Monday with trail closures planned on a rotating basis over the summer.
The work on the trail at Hurricane Ridge is expected to be completed over the course of three summer seasons.
The project includes construction of masonry retaining walls, drainage improvements, paving to 8-foot width, bench installation, revegetation, and improving the first four-tenths of a mile of the trail to federal accessibility standards, said Penny Wagner, park spokeswoman.
“This popular trail offers visitors breathtaking views of the Olympic Mountains and the Strait of Juan de Fuca but is badly in need of repair,” said park Superintendent Sarah Creachbaum.
“Although the closures will inconvenience hikers, the result will be a more durable trail that increases accessibility and helps protect the meadows.”
The Hurricane Hill Trail parking area will be closed to vehicles to accommodate the equipment and materials for the project. Parking and access to the trail for the duration of this year’s work will be via Picnic Area B and a short connecting trail to the Hurricane Hill parking area and trailhead.
The first trail closure will be Monday and Tuesday, with the trail open for use on the July Fourth holiday and through July 10.
After July 10, a rotating schedule will be in place through the Labor Day holiday weekend. The trail will be closed for eight days while the crew is on duty and then open for six days while the crew is off duty.
During the closure periods, the trail will remain closed to access 24 hours a day for visitor and job site safety, Wagner said.
The schedule after July 10 is:
• Trail closed July 11 through July 18, then open July 19 though July 24.
• Trial closed July 25 through Aug. 1 , then open Aug. 2 to Aug. 7.
• Trail closed Aug. 8 through Aug. 15, then open Aug. 16 through Aug. 21.
• Trail closed Aug. 22 through Aug. 29, then open Aug. 30 through Sept. 3.
• Trail work will continue through mid- to late-October depending on weather conditions, Wagner said.
Funding for the first two phases of the project is from the National Park Service Repair and Rehabilitation program. The trail work during these phases will be completed by park staff, Wagner said.
The third phase is funded by park entrance fee revenue and will include the paving and revegetation portion of the project.
Trail status updates and September closure dates will be available on the park website at tinyurl.com/PDN- hurricanehilltrail.