PORT ANGELES — Applications are due Dec. 1 for the Port Angeles Symphony’s Young Artist Competitions, contests bearing $1,250 in cash prizes for musicians younger than 22.
The two competitions, to be held at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 301 E. Lopez Ave., on Jan. 24, are open to North Olympic Peninsula instrumental music students.
Registration forms are available at www.PortAngelesSymphony.org.
The 29th annual Young Artist Competition is open to musicians who will be younger than 22 years old as of June 1, 2015, and who did not win the 2014 competition.
Cash awards are $500 for first place, $250 for second and $100 for third.
The ninth annual Junior Young Artist Competition, meanwhile, is open to any instrumentalist in ninth grade or below.
Participants must not have competed in the senior Young Artist Competition, applied for it nor won first prize in the 2014 Junior Young Artist Competition.
Prizes for the junior contest are $250 for first place, $125 for second and $75 for third.
Prize monies are supplied by the Port Angeles Garden Club and by two anonymous donors.
For information, phone the symphony office at 360-457-5579.