LETTER: Clallam commissioner candidate should get his facts straight

Randy Johnson misunderstood the message presented by atmospheric sciences professor Cliff Mass over I-732.

An article published in the Aug. 31 PDN [“Carbon Tax Debate, Clallam County Commissioner Hopefuls Differ On Issue”] reported that Randy Johnson, candidate for Clallam County commissioner, was “wary over I-732.”

Actually, since I heard Mr. Johnson’s comments at the Port Angeles Business Association meeting, it is more accurate to report that he opposed I-732 as currently proposed.

In so doing, he “invoked University of Washington atmospheric sciences professor Cliff Mass, who spoke on climate change Aug. 17 at the Port Angeles Library,” according to the article.

It appears that Randy Johnson misunderstood Cliff Mass’ message.

In Cliff Mass’ remarks in Port Angeles, he clearly stated that he supports I-732 and he explained his rationale for that support.

He observes in his blog at cliffmass.blogspot.com that “it is not often that a measure comes before the public that is wise, bipartisan, environmentally progressive, and helps address income inequalities in our state. A measure of such immense promise that it could have profound, and very positive, impacts both in Washington State and around the nation.”

He further observes that, “regarding I-732, the opposition of some groups is particularly surprising, consider[ing] that this initiative would reduce the sales tax by 1 percent, a boon to low-income folks in a state with a highly-regressive tax structure, as well as a tax rebate for working families that would neutralize their extra fuel costs.”

Moreover, professor Mass is presenting at a fundraiser hosted by the Yes on I-732 Campaign at Kane Hall at the University of Washington on Sept. 28.

The candidate should do his homework.

Paula Doherty,

Port Angeles

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