LETTER: Jesus was the greatest Democrat of all

Human foibles haven’t stopped the Democratic Party, and we will continue to forge ahead in the spirit of the “Great One.”

After reading the Aug. 17 letter, “Demo critic,” in Peninsula Voices, I thought, yeah, there’s no accounting for people no matter who they are, be they Democrats, Republicans, religious, atheist or what have you.

But then I thought of the greatest Democrat of all time: Jesus Christ.

Now, even though he was a great carpenter, you couldn’t get him to focus on work.

He was always taking off, doing his dad’s work, he’d say, sofa surfing and mooching off his believers.

And then there was Mary Magdalene, and oh, did the tongues wag, but he had more important things to do, and Mary understood.

He was a good steward, not taking more than he needed and always caring deeply for the less fortunate.

He met everyone squarely, and as it turns out, he was very, very qualified for his given position.

He did, however, have a problem with the Republicans of the day — the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the party of Mammon.

They feared Obama’s, err, Jesus’ influence/power and plotted against him, not understanding that their avarice would be their undoing and his victory.

This is not to say there weren’t screw-ups.

The apostles messed up a lot.

But human foibles haven’t stopped the Democratic Party, and we will continue to forge ahead in the spirit of the “Great One.”

“Mooching off” shall be changed to, let’s say, ”subsidized by.”

It’s just that “some” would look at it as mooching (search: Jesus, street rat?), and abortion, don’t do it, I know I won’t.

Jeff Shamp,

Port Angeles

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