I must comment on Gail Collins’ column on May 14-15, 2021 “Nobody’s telling who sold the gun.” She’s a journalist for the New York Times… Continue reading
Our everyday talk equals poetry, Naa Akua told us. This was Saturday afternoon in a spoken-word poetry workshop, where I certainly didn’t belong. Or so… Continue reading
In regard to “Other’s Racism” (PDN, May 27): True, America did not use slaves to build the Colosseum or the Parthenon, but since both of… Continue reading
Now that the tourists are here, it’s easy to see why we put a season on them in the first place. From the acidified ocean… Continue reading
There are stories in the news lately about some of the lucky people winning lotteries and various prizes for finally getting their COVID vaccinations. This… Continue reading
America is racist and evil. Oh, really? America did not slaughter 6 million European Jews. Germany did that. America did not rape Nanjing. Japan did… Continue reading
For some, the New Year begins on Jan. 1. Out on our rivers, the new year begins with the emergence of the baby salmon from… Continue reading
We’re too close to take unnecessary chances now. I own and operate Sequim Valley Ranch, a large multi-operational ranch east of Sequim. Ninety percent of… Continue reading
People’s faces lit up. Seeing their astonishment was just as much fun as watching the performers: the dancers of Ballet Victoria, just arrived on the… Continue reading
I don’t know what made me say I was the fastest clam digger in the west. It must have been the COVID-induced cabin fever talking.… Continue reading
Mr. Armacost complained that he was unaware of paparazzi, and he felt being photographed in public was “being spied on.” As the mayor, he is… Continue reading
In addition to fish, I see another area of nature that government has mismanaged: Our state public lands. With growing cries of stopping harvests to… Continue reading
I was pleased to see the letter “The True Whiners” in Peninsula Voices. The writer clearly addresses the causes and results of actions that created… Continue reading
The last few days I have had the opportunity to observe things that lead me to believe that the current mayor is unfit for this… Continue reading
There has been quite a push to remove the lower Snake River dams lately. I don’t understand the push to remove the dams that have… Continue reading
Springtime must be my favorite time of year on the Olympic Peninsula. When uncounted millions of birds fly north along our coast to their remote… Continue reading
By wearing an incendiary T-shirt, the mayor of Sequim, Mr. William Armacost, told me, and anyone who doesn’t agree with him, to get the F-… Continue reading
Regarding Thomas Friedman’s column in Monday’s Peninsula Daily News titled “Big Lie Still Endangers Democracy,” give me a break. It’s rich that he can write… Continue reading
IF YOU DON’T like what’s happening, run for office. The candidate filing week is May 17-21 for the Nov. 2 general election and the North… Continue reading
Before the letter addresses the degrading and insulting characterizations of people fleeing the failed states of their homelands for a future in the U.S. in… Continue reading