LETTER: Trump the definition of a narcissist

Look no further to find someone who exhibits such startling similarities with the manual’s criteria.

LETTER: Recent Speaking Out responses reflect citizens’ confusion

… vote for the one who will do the least harm …

LETTER: Democratic Party no longer the one for me

I can no longer in good conscience vote for a party of such sheer hypocrisy.

LETTER: Jet noise takes away from natural beauty

Olympic National Park has lost a vital component with the persistent sounds of jets overhead.

PAT NEAL: In the future, these will be the good ol’ days of salmon fishing

The corrupt and incompetent mismanagement of our fisheries will lead to fishing’s demise.

LETTER: PDN missed out on passing of great musician

Most of the people in and around Sequim and Port Angeles would recall Pete as a great entertainer …

LETTER: ‘Petty harassment’ ended Port Angeles fluoridation

I personally experienced that aggression last winter …

PAT NEAL: Whales’ boundless salmon appetite

IT WAS ANOTHER tough week in the news, but there’s another toxic concern to keep you awake at night: Are your whales getting enough salmon?

WRITER’S NOTEBOOK: Getting ahead, swimming against the current

In times like these, when we wonder if we can get through it, we need to laugh. It lifts the misery right out.