Voters approving Olympic Medical Center levy lid lift

PORT ANGELES — Voters approved a levy lid lift for Olympic Medical Center health care services, a measure that will allow the hospital district to collect 75 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value.

In initial returns Tuesday night, there were 7,141 ballots, or 59.3 percent, to approve the levy and 4,894, or 40.7 percent, to reject it.

The levy will generate about $12 million a year, nearly double the amount OMC currently collects. Its current levy rate at 31 cents per $1,000 will increase to the maximum allowed under state law.

OMC has said the increase is necessary to protect 24-7 crucial operations such as labor and delivery, emergency services and trauma care. It also will keep care local and support the local workforce.

OMC is the county’s largest employer, with more than 1,500 employees.

OMC’s tax levy rate was last adjusted in 2008.