Klahhane Gymnastics takes medals
VANCOUVER, Wash. — Klahhane Gymnasts brought back gold and silver medals at the Washington Xcel State Championships at the Clark County Events Center last weekend.
The three-day event held March 23-25 featured 1,022 girls from 48 clubs throughout the state.
The team was led by MeiYing Harper-Smith who captured the gold medal in the Silver Division Jr. Senior G Age Group, scoring 37.525 in the all-around competition. Harper-Smith was first on uneven bars with a 9.425; the balance beam with a 9.3 and the floor exercise with a 9.625. She also took third on the vault with a 9.175.
Jessamyn Schindler finished with a silver medal in the Bronze Senior Age Group with a score of 36.825. She missed the gold by 0.025 with individual scores of 9.225 on vault, 9.15 on uneven bars, 9.325 on the balance beam and 9.125 on the floor exercise.
Also medaling in the all-around were Rylee Evans, taking fifth in the Bronze Jr. C Age Group with a high score of 9.6 on uneven bars and a 36.775 all-around. Kayli Sexton took sixth in the Silver Division Jr. F Age Group, scoring 9.15 on vault and 35.825 in the all-around. Lainy Vig took ninth on the balance beam (8.625) in the Platinum Jr Age Group.
Rounding out the competitors were Sadie Miller, Bronze Division, with a 35.825 in the all-around; Danica Pierson, Silver Division with a 35.375 in the all-around; Susannah Sharp, Platinum Division with an all-around of 34.9; and Diamond Division Emma Sharp (32.375) and Port Angeles senior Cassii Middlestead (34.05) who was one of 14 seniors receiving a Senior Recognition Award from USA Gymnastics Washington for participation in the USAG program throughout high school.
Pirates honored
PORT ANGELES — Peninsula College men’s and women’s basketball players Trent Warren and Tiffani Smith have earned academic honors from the Northwest Athletic Conference.
Warren and Smith received 2018 Winter Sports Academic Excellence awards from the conference.
To qualify for an award players must be a sophomore in eligibility, have earned a minimum of 36 credits, a 3.25 cumulative GPA and be recommended by the college.
Peninsula Daily News