PORT ANGELES — Volunteers, including cyclist volunteers, are being sought for the inaugural year of the Olympic Relay Adventure, which will be held Aug. 11 and 12 throughout the North Olympic Peninsula.
Volunteers are being sought to help monitor runner exchanges along the 180-mile-long course along the Olympic Adventure Route, the Olympic Discovery Trail and the Larry Scott Trail for shifts of four to five hours. A variety of volunteer shifts are needed as teams will average around 26 consecutive hours to complete the course. The event will donate $75 back to the volunteer’s preferred charity.
The most crucial need for the event is for five to 10 volunteer cyclists to monitor for distressed runners as they ride along the Olympic Adventure Route. Segments are three to eight miles long for a five-hour shift and support from cyclists is critical to help make the event safe.
For individuals without a bicycle, the event also needs exchange monitors that will be given a specified location to watch for runners as they come into the exchange and hand off to another runner. These individuals will let teams know when their runner is near and help keep track of which teams have passed through the course.
Interested individuals should contact Bruce Ramseyer at olympicrelayadventure@gmail.com. They will need to sign a waiver on the event website as well: http://www.olympicrelayadventure.com/volunteer-form.html and need to be 18 years or older.
Free tennis camp
PORT ANGELES — A free tennis camp for eighth-graders and high school boys will be held from July 17-28 at the Port Angeles High School tennis courts. Incoming freshmen instruction is from 9 a.m. to noon and others from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. These camps are helpful for boys who might like to try high school tennis.