MICHAEL CARMAN’S GOLF COLUMN: 2013 golf season getting started

SOMETIMES IT SLOWS to a trickle, but the last couple weeks, a steady flow of new golf information has streamed into my golf column inbox.

With golf courses and clubs starting play, dates firming up, and terms like “opening day” being bandied about as we slowly revolve around the sun, a little more light gets shed on the 2013 golf season.

SunLand women start

Thursday marks the opening of the SunLand Women’s Golf Association season.

An official “kick-off” social gathering for members is set for Monday, March 25, and will be hosted by the association’s 2013 officers.

The officers are: Judy Nordyke, captain; MJ Anderson, assistant captain; Barb Evans, secretary; Patricia Palmeri, treasurer; Ruth Lowe, rules chair; and Dorene Berard, handicap chair.

A full schedule of weekly games, enhanced by some tournaments, has been planned for the year.

The championship is scheduled for the week of Aug. 5, and the SunLand Women’s Golf Association Invitational is scheduled for August 16-17, with details to be announced later.

Another favorite open tournament is the Driving for the Cure, a benefit for breast cancer treatment through the Olympic Medical Center.

This will be held in early October.

For more information, phone the SunLand Pro Shop at 360-683-6800.

A side note: SunLand is open for public play on the weekends and it is a fun but challenging course for even a weaker player like myself.

The front nine is very walkable, while the back nine provides a little more of a vertical challenge.

If you are in need of some new horizon’s in your game, try out SunLand on a Saturday or Sunday.

You won’t be disappointed.

My thanks to SunLand member Nancy Harlan for relaying the women’s association information.

Peninsula happenings

Peninsula Golf Club member Paul Ryan chipped in with details on events up at the Port Angeles club.

The club’s winter league came to a dramatic close last with the pro shop team, led by Sonny Crater and Mike “Floe” Camel, taking the title.

The Triggs Dental Lab team, led by Mark Mast and Dave Wahlsten, made a charge late in the season, but it was for naught.

Winter league players will enjoy a field day event on Friday where all league members compete for one final day and then partake of a season-ending banquet.

Entries are now being accepted for Peninsula’s summer league, which starts in April. Contact Sonny in the pro shop for details.

There is still time for those new to the area and seeking a new home for golf or long-term residents interested in joining Peninsula to enjoy a full men’s club schedule.

Peninsula’s Men’s Club will tee off with an Opening Day Scramble on Sunday, March 17.

Phone the pro shop at 360-457-6501 for more information.

McMillin notches first

Sequim resident Dick McMillin carded the first hole-in-one of his career at Cedars at Dungeness on Feb. 13.

McMillin aced the 145-yard fourth hole with his 3-hybrid and a Callaway ball.

His shot was witnessed by Jack Iacolucci and Pat Hall.

Softball scramble set

Thursday is the deadline to sign up for Saturday’s four-person scramble to raise funds for the Sequim High School softball team.

The event will be held at SkyRidge Golf Course in Sequim.

Check-in begins at 8 a.m., with a 9 a.m. shotgun start.

Sequim Softball Boosters are raising funds for a field cover, a concessions stand and ultimately a new field surface.

Cost is $50 per person or $200 per team, and includes 18 holes, range balls and lunch at the course.

A limited number of carts are $15 per seat.

Mulligans are available for $5, long-putt contest is $1 and a honey pot is $10.

Shamrock Scramble

SkyRidge Golf Course in Sequim will host its seventh annual Shamrock Scramble tourney on Saturday, March 16.

The four-person scramble has a 9:30 a.m. shotgun start.

Entry fee is $40 per player, $160 per team and includes golf, lunch and range balls, plus KP’s and a long-putt contest on hole No. 18.

Carts are an extra $15 per seat.

An added bonus for this one is a prize for the best-dressed team.

Leprechaun wear is entirely acceptable.

For more details, phone SkyRidge at 360-683-3673.

Dungeness Niners set

The 2013 season tees off Thursday for the Lady Niner’s of Cedars at Dungeness Golf Course.

Club captain Arlene Cox invites all interested ladies to join the Niners for a season of new friends and great golf.

All are welcome, regardless of your level of play.

On opening day, the group will meet at the Cedars at Dungeness pro shop at 9:30 a.m. with a tee time of 10:30 a.m.

The hour before play will give club members the chance to divvy up teams for that day’s round as well as saying hello to old friends and welcoming the new.

Dues are $46 a year, plus the weekly green fee for nine holes and $12 for a cart if you prefer to ride the course.

For those new to the game, a Golf Handicap and Information Network (GHIN) number will be assigned upon payment of the yearly dues. Otherwise, come with your GHIN number and handicap from when you played last.

For answers to additional questions or more information, phone Shari Miller at 360-582-0732, and she will be happy to discuss the Dungeness Lady Niner’s Golf group with you.

Thanks to Lady Niner’s member Lee Stanley for the information.

Disco Bay madness

Discovery Bay Golf Course near Port Townsend is a week into it’s month-long March Madness deal

March Madness is a two-for-one golf promotion where you and a friend can play nine or 18 holes for $22 total. Use of a cart is not included in the deal.

Discovery Bay’s ladies and men’s clubs are recruiting new members and have scheduled their first meetings for March 28 and April 24, respectively. More info on the meetings will be found in upcoming columns.

Port Townsend events

Port Townsend Golf Club has started posting scores to the GHIN.

Players interested in joining the Port Townsend men’s club can pay their GHIN fees and become a member of the club, which provides a fun group of guys with which play golf and a large amount of tournaments all year long.

The next tournament at Port Townsend is the Saint Patrick’s Day two-person best ball on Saturday, March 16.

The tournament costs $35 per player, with only $10 greens fees for non-members.

Players will tee off with a 9 a.m. shotgun start, and will build their appetites for a corned beef dinner following play.

Merchants League play tees it up at Port Townsend Golf Course beginning on Tuesday, April 9, and running until September.

Now is the time to form a team, get a sponsor (or sponsor a team yourself) and get involved with a fun, weekly game of golf.

If you’re an individual that would like to play contact Port Townsend Golf Club and someone there will try to find you a team.

Not available every week? Become a substitute and help teams stay in the running for a trophy.

Up next at Port Townsend Golf Club? Ladies group lessons (up to four people) with discounted rates.

The club’s Men’s Club Match Play Championship begins April 29.

Cost is $30 per player with a $12 discount for nonmembers $12.

This is a double-elimination, all-net match play format tournament that lasts through summer.

Phone the Port Townsend Golf Club pro shop at 360-385-4547 to get involved.


Golf columnist Michael Carman can be reached at 360-417-3527 or pdngolf@gmail.com.

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