OUTDOORS: Five best bets to do this week

• Pysht River — The Quillayute system is sure to be crowded this weekend.

Might as well try out one of the smaller streams on the Peninsula with a hatchery steelhead run.

Since that run will come to an end soon, this might be your last chance.

• Bird count — Add to the historical record as a citizen scientist.

By participating in Monday’s Christmas Bird Count in the Dungeness Valley, one can further our understanding of the natural world.

For some of us, or maybe just me, it might be the most significant contribution to society we will provide our entire lives.

• Snowshoe trek — If you just can’t wait for the ranger-guided tours that begin next week, you can go ahead and rent a pair of snowshoes and explore the wintered environs of Hurricane Ridge this weekend.

Snowshoes are available at Brown’s Outdoor in Port Angeles or in the bottom level of the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center on Saturday and Sunday.

• Quimper crab — I haven’t heard a thing about crabbing in Marine Area 9 (Admiralty Inlet). So it must be really good.

Drop a pot and let me know.

• Hawks taking flight? — The Seattle Seahawks are doing it again: teasing fans with playoff dreams only to come through with heart-breaking disappointment in the end.

Seattle goes into Houston as 6-point underdogs, despite the fact the Texans have lost four games in a row.

Perhaps that’s because the Texans, a good team that always seems to stub its toe every year, are due.

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