• Elwha coho — My favorite fishing instructor Ron “the Missing” Link had one mantra: “Always fish where there are fish.”
Given the early returns of coho to the Elwha, methinks that just might be the place.
• Clamtastic – Razor clams are fidgety, fast burrowing machines.
So come equipped with your sharpest shoveling skills and some agile hands to this weekend’s first opener of the season at Kalaloch and four other ocean beaches.
For more details, see today’s outdoors column.
• Report crabs — Puget Sound crabbers must submit summer catch record cards to Fish and Wildlife by Sunday.
Those who fail to file catch reports by the deadline will face a $10 fine, which will be imposed when they apply for a 2011 Puget Sound crab endorsement.
Cards can be mailed in or recorded online. Additional information is available at http://tinyurl.com/29f2n2c.
• Pop a shot — Washington Trails Association is accepting submissions for its annual Northwest Exposure photo contest through Oct. 17.
Given the array of autumn colors currently decorating the Peninsula, methinks now might be a good time to score a winning shot.
Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place in five categories: Wild Landscapes, Flora and Fauna, Hikers in Action, Families on Trail and Offbeat Outdoors.
For more information on the contest, including how to submit photos, visit http://tinyurl.com/yj29nxg.
• Mushroom Mania — It’s damp, it’s dark and it’s beginning to border on depressing. Translation: It’s mushroom season.
I’ve already received a handful of fungal photos to prove such is the case. So head for the hills.
You just might come upon a piece of fungus so fantastic it could claim the PDN’s annual mushroom photo contest.
Winners are awarded in three categories: biggest, prettiest and mushroom most resembling a notable figure. Send all entries to matt.schubert@peninsuladailynews.com.
Matt Schubert