Law enforcement officers with the state Department of Fish and Wildlife have had interactions with anglers and harvesters on the North Olympic Peninsula in the week since a statewide recreational fishing and shellfishing closure was implemented to stop the potential spread of COVID-19 and abide by Gov. Jay Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order.
“We have had a few contacts on the Peninsula, and thankfully no one has been confrontational,” said Port Townsend-based Sgt. Kit Rosenberger. “Some said at first that they didn’t know the order had been given. Others, I’m not as certain they were being truthful, but overall, we have had very good compliance. People are realizing the seriousness of the situation.”
Rosenberger said he made contact with a Kitsap County clammer at a Hood Canal beach.
“Personally, I’ve talked to a lady from Bainbridge Island who traveled over to Shine Tidelands State Park and was harvesting clams,” Rosenberger said. “She was unaware of the fishing closure and the state park closure.”
“Other officers on different Hood Canal beaches have contacted people digging for clams and oysters. There was a large poaching incident on the Kitsap County side where six people had caught 130 red rock crab. They were cited because that’s an out-of-season species and for the amount of crab they had illegally harvested. That would have been a crime, even in normal circumstances.”
Only a couple of river-fishing encounters have occurred since the closure out on the West End.
“Our West End officers have had just a couple of interactions with people fishing on the Sol Duc and Hoh rivers,” Rosenberger said.
Before the closure but during our state’s effort to stay at home and avoid all but the most essential outings, Rosenberger and fellow officers were interacting with anglers coming from out of town to fish.
“Thursday, the day before the closure, I was talking to a blackmouth fisherman from Kingston who was heading out of the PT Boat Haven with a buddy from Seattle,” Rosenberger said.
“The men said they had heard about the Stay at Home order, but they thought the governor was encouraging people to get outdoors and they thought it was OK to go outside.”
Rosenberger said the weekend of March 21-22 was what led to the closures of recreation sites and eventually fishing, shellfishing and some hunting opportunities.
“We were talking to officers and guides out in Forks and they described the crowds as like a summer day in peak tourist season,” Rosenberger said. [Chief Criminal Deputy] Bryan King with Clallam County Sheriffs heard concerns from the public at an EOC meeting about increased exposure or goods being bought up by out-of-towners.
“There were lots of folks like that who kind of forced these decisions.”
That was the main point Fish and Wildlife Director Kelly Susewind made Thursday.
“Fishing, boating, or hiking on public lands normally wouldn’t violate social distancing guidance,” Susewind said. “However, we have recently seen unusually large crowds driving to, and congregating at, state public areas. Clearly, people were seeking an outdoor reprieve from their anxiety, which unintentionally caused higher transmission risk at these sites and in nearby rural communities.
“We know many Washingtonians find great solace in spending time on the water or in the wilderness, and we are taking these painful steps only because of the urgent need to protect the health and well-being of our neighbors and our communities.”
Rosenberger said that with how well publicized the closure has become that the agency “reserves all of our law enforcement options” if they continue to encounter rule breakers.
“Our edict is compliance, which generally includes providing education and warnings. Infractions, fines and tickets also are possible,” Rosenberger said. “But the safest thing to do is to stay home.”
Ready to help
Rosenberger spoke Thursday as he was headed to Shelton to pick up gloves, face masks and hand sanitizer for department law enforcement.
“We are following the CDC’s guideline for law enforcement,” Rosenberger said.
As yet, Fish and Wildlife officers on the North Olympic Peninsula have not been directed to deliver medical supplies to area facilities as has been in the case in harder-hit areas of our state.
“Here on the Peninsula we have not been asked to help out in that way,” Rosenberger said. “I don’t think we have quite the severity in terms of impact so far. But we have reached out to Jefferson County Undersherrif Andy Pernsteiner and to Brian King with Clallam County to provide additional resources if we are needed. “Our edict is to protect our state’s natural resources and public safety comes first. If they need the help, we will be there.”