PORT ANGELES – Adult recreational soccer, volleyball and basketball leagues will get under way in September, October and November under new management.
The City of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation and Peninsula College have collaborated on leagues over the years through an interlocal agreement, but this year, city parks officials are stepping back from managing some of its’ adult recreation programs.
“They asked us if we might consider picking up the registration for soccer and adding management of their volleyball and basketball leagues and we said yes,” said Rick Ross, associate dean for athletics and student life.
“We have coaches with expertise in running leagues and the facilities to accommodate the small number of teams in those programs. We already did most of the heaving lifting on the coed soccer league and we split the coed volleyball league with the city, so really the only big change will be us hosting the basketball league in November.
“This is a revenue opportunity that can really help our soccer and basketball programs at a time when the operating revenue from the state is drastically shrinking.”
Ross said the loss of state funds is tied to lower student enrollment statewide in recent years.
“Funding for community college athletics comes from student fees … and our budget went from receiving a little over $500,000 three years ago to $340,000 or 350 now, so by taking over the leagues, revenues will go toward our supplemental recruiting budgets for our basketball and soccer teams.
“Soccer will oversee the soccer league and basketball will manage and benefit from the volleyball and basketball leagues with funds going toward uniforms, recruiting travel and equipment.”
Port Angeles Parks Director Corey Delikat sited several reasons for making the change.
“Recently, the city and Peninsula College decided to place the adult soccer leagues, basketball and the volleyball leagues under the umbrella of the college,” Delikat said. This will enable folks to use the new gym floor and the synthetic soccer field more often. This will also give college students/athletes the opportunity to assist with these programs as they attend Peninsula College.”
Ross said Peninsula College once hosted recreational leagues for city adults with an interesting requirement: all players were required to register for a physical education credit and received a letter grade for their attendance at games.
Taking college coursework won’t be a requirement this time around.
Fall coed soccer
The Peninsula Soccer League begins Sept. 12 and runs through Nov. 6. The fee will be $45 per player. Matches will be played at Peninsula College on Sundays.
The league may limit the number of teams this year, so team captains should reserve their spot soon by contacting Pirates soccer coach Jake Hughes at jahughes@pencol.edu.
Individual players can register at gopcpirates.com under PC Athletics/ticket prices. All players must be registered and paid by Sept. 12 in order to participate.
Fall coed volleyball
The Peninsula Volleyball League will open its’ 25th season with open gyms in mid-October and league play starting soon after, most likely on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the College gym. The fee will be $45 per player. It is likely that the number of teams will be limited, so team captains should reserve their spot by contacting PC athletic director Rick Ross at rross@pencol.edu.
Individual players can register at gopcpirates.com under PC Athletics/ticket prices.
All players must be registered and paid prior to the start of league play, tentatively scheduled for Oct. 19, in order to participate.