Clallam County

Broadway songs carouse on Port Angeles stage in Ghostlight production

Broadway songs carouse on Port Angeles stage in Ghostlight production

Ghostlight Productions, now operating as a new nonprofit, presents “Magic to Do: A Broadway Musical Revue” featuring 22 musical numbers from Broadway.… Continue reading

Broadway songs carouse on Port Angeles stage in Ghostlight production

Composites recycling workshop gears up in Port Angeles next week

The Washington State Recycling Association will host a workshop, “The Waste Stream of the Future: Innovation in Composite Recycling,” from 10 a.m.… Continue reading

Cultural traditions explored at free public meeting in Port Angeles this Monday

Area residents are invited to learn about and discuss cultural traditions in the city and statewide at a community meeting at the… Continue reading

Free outdoor concerts ring out in Sequim, Port Angeles, Port Townsend

Free outdoor concerts are planned in Sequim on Tuesday, Port Angeles on Wednesday and Port Townsend on Thursday. The Craig Buhler Quartet will perform jazz… Continue reading

ISSUES OF FAITH: Guard against ridicule; instead, season conversation with salt

AFTER READING A news article yesterday on the MSN home page, I scrolled to the bottom of the page to read some of the comments.… Continue reading

Legislature apparently letting clock run out on session

The political rancor at the state Legislature is likely to go right to the bitter end,… Continue reading

LETTER: Let’s finally put an end to muffler-lacking vehicles

Recently, while I was waiting at a bus stop downtown, a car drove by making such excessive noise that it could not have had a… Continue reading

LETTER: Vapid answers in ‘Speaking Out’ feature erode my faith in humanity

If there is one single feature in the Peninsula Daily News that erodes my faith in humanity, it would be the Sunday “Speaking Out” feature… Continue reading

Long Rifle rendezvous, tall ship visit on Peninsula

A Peninsula Long Rifle rendezvous, a visit from a tall ship and a hoedown are among the upcoming activities on the North Olympic Peninsula. Information… Continue reading

Manis Mastodon tusks get tank upgrade at Sequim museum

Manis Mastodon tusks get tank upgrade at Sequim museum

Sequim Museum & Arts can now display the famous Manis Mastodon tusks in two new aquarium tanks so its visitors can see a… Continue reading

Manis Mastodon tusks get tank upgrade at Sequim museum
Global Heat, a neo-soul, R&B band, will perform at the Port Angeles Library at 7 tonight.

R&B band, pop art exhibit pop at Port Angeles Library tonight

Global Heat, a neo-soul, R&B band, will perform a high-energy concert at 7 p.m. today at the Port Angeles Library. Doors open… Continue reading

Global Heat, a neo-soul, R&B band, will perform at the Port Angeles Library at 7 tonight.

State unemployment figures hold steady

Washington state’s unemployment rate held steady last month at 4.5 percent and the state gained 2,500 jobs. According to the latest numbers released… Continue reading

Tickets available for Dine on the Dungeness on historic bridge

Tickets are available now for the Dungeness River Audubon Center’s third annual dinner on the historic bridge in Railroad Bridge Park set for… Continue reading

Zombie challenge rises up in Clallam libraries

Teens in Forks, Port Angeles and Sequim are invited to participate in the North Olympic Library System’s “Escape Room Challenge: Zombie Apocalypse.” Each event will… Continue reading

Individuals with information about a break-in at Sunny Farms Country Store on Wednesday are asked to contact Detective Sgt. Eric Munger at 360-417-2576 or Dispatch at 360-417-2459 regarding this crime.

Clallam County Sheriff’s Office probing Carlsborg burglary

The Clallam County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a burglary at Sunny Farms Country Store. Deputy Mark Titterness took a burglary report Wednesday at… Continue reading

Individuals with information about a break-in at Sunny Farms Country Store on Wednesday are asked to contact Detective Sgt. Eric Munger at 360-417-2576 or Dispatch at 360-417-2459 regarding this crime.
Jefferson commissioners accept $10,000 donation for Olympic Discovery Trail

Jefferson commissioners accept $10,000 donation for Olympic Discovery Trail

The Jefferson County commissioners have accepted a donation from the Peninsula Trails Coalition to be used on the Discovery Bay segment of… Continue reading

Jefferson commissioners accept $10,000 donation for Olympic Discovery Trail
‘Make it or break it’: Composites center CEO tells of product plans, stakes

‘Make it or break it’: Composites center CEO tells of product plans, stakes

The Composite Recycling Technology Center is feeling pressure as it prepares its transition to being self-funded. The CRTC’s success will be determined… Continue reading

‘Make it or break it’: Composites center CEO tells of product plans, stakes
Ferris wheel cleared, back in use after Rhody Fest fall

Ferris wheel cleared, back in use after Rhody Fest fall

The Ferris wheel that was shut down at this year’s Rhododendron Festival after three people fell from one of the gondolas has… Continue reading

Ferris wheel cleared, back in use after Rhody Fest fall
Port Angeles concert, dinner Saturday to reap funds for land conservation

Port Angeles concert, dinner Saturday to reap funds for land conservation

Summertime is the perfect time to rock out while helping conserve some local farmland. The North Olympic Land Trust will host the… Continue reading

Port Angeles concert, dinner Saturday to reap funds for land conservation

Shellfish harvest blocked on more beaches

The state Department of Health closed Port Townsend Bay, Kilisut Harbor and Mystery Bay beaches to recreational shellfish harvesting after shellfish samples… Continue reading