Clallam County

LETTER: Strait Shot to Seattle a super deal for everyone

A friend and I left Port Angeles at 7:25 in the morning for Seattle on the new Clallam Transit run, Strait Shot, arriving at 10:15… Continue reading

LETTER: Why is there still a stop indicator at the Nippon mill on the way to Ediz Hook?

The other day, I drove out to Ediz Hook. I haven’t had any reason to go to that side of Port Angeles since March 31,… Continue reading

NEWS BRIEFS: Field carrier landing practice in Coupeville this week … and other items

There will be field carrier landing practice operations for aircraft stationed at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island at the outlying field late afternoon… Continue reading

ON THE WATERFRONT: Livestock carrier slips anchor into Port Angeles

ON THE WATERFRONT: Livestock carrier slips anchor into Port Angeles

EARLIER LAST WEEK, Angus Express came into the Port Angeles port to be refueled by Tesoro Petroleum. The 338-foot Philippine-flagged vessel is a livestock carrier.… Continue reading

ON THE WATERFRONT: Livestock carrier slips anchor into Port Angeles
PENINSULA KITCHEN: A salad for all dietary needs

PENINSULA KITCHEN: A salad for all dietary needs

AS THE YOUNGEST of my offspring prepares to fly off into adulthood, there have been a lot of celebratory events this month: last concert, last… Continue reading

PENINSULA KITCHEN: A salad for all dietary needs
Raffle tickets are on sale now for a quilt honoring the late Muriel “Kitty” Niles. The raffle drawing will be at the Sunbonnet Sue Quilt Club’s annual quilt show in July.

Raffle tickets on sale now for special memorial quilt

Raffle tickets are on sale now for a quilt that will be the highlight of the Sunbonnet Sue Quilt Club’s 31st annual quilt… Continue reading

Raffle tickets are on sale now for a quilt honoring the late Muriel “Kitty” Niles. The raffle drawing will be at the Sunbonnet Sue Quilt Club’s annual quilt show in July.
Retiring Clallam County Superior Court administrator thanked for job well done

Retiring Clallam County Superior Court administrator thanked for job well done

Retiring Clallam County Superior Court Administrator Lindy Clevenger was recognized last week for more than 42 years of service to the county.… Continue reading

Retiring Clallam County Superior Court administrator thanked for job well done
Relatives embrace at a memorial Tuesday outside where a pregnant mother was shot and killed by police Tuesday in Seattle. (Elaine Thompson/The Associated Press)

Video of gaming Seattle officer discussing shooting removed

After an online outcry, a Seattle Police Department video in which an officer playing a video game discussed the recent… Continue reading

Relatives embrace at a memorial Tuesday outside where a pregnant mother was shot and killed by police Tuesday in Seattle. (Elaine Thompson/The Associated Press)

WILDER BASEBALL: Wilder pitchers combine for 1-0 shutout

Wilder Senior’s Chance Wilson and Curan Bradly combined to pitch a five-hit shutout as Wilder won the first game in a cross-state… Continue reading

LEFTIES: PA romps in final homestand game, loses first game of long road trip

LEFTIES: PA romps in final homestand game, loses first game of long road trip

The Lefties had the bases loaded with no outs in the ninth inning against Cowlitz, but they couldn’t break through for a game-tying… Continue reading

LEFTIES: PA romps in final homestand game, loses first game of long road trip
Big gardens in small spaces on Petals & Pathways home garden tour

Big gardens in small spaces on Petals & Pathways home garden tour

— The Petal & Pathways Home Garden Tour, sponsored by the Master Gardener Foundation of Clallam County, will showcase seven gardens at Sequim-area homes from… Continue reading

Big gardens in small spaces on Petals & Pathways home garden tour

EYE ON CLALLAM: Commissioners to discuss code enforcement

The three Clallam County commissioners will discuss a request for another code enforcement officer Monday. The work session will begin at 9 a.m. in the… Continue reading

Beaches closed to recreational shellfish harvest

The areas between the Lyre River to the Jefferson County line, Discovery Bay and McCurdy Point west to the Clallam County line are now closed… Continue reading

Olympic Theatre Arts offers free improv class this Thursday

Olympic Theatre Arts will offer a free improvisation class, “IMPROV for everyone,” from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday. The class at the… Continue reading

Port Angeles City Council eliminates ethics code; city reverts to state rules

Port Angeles City Council members have gutted a 5-year-old ethics code that pro- and anti-fluoridation advocates wielded last year to target all… Continue reading

Port Angeles Fourth of July Parade route changes; fireworks closer, with more activities planned

Fireworks will blossom like stars in the sky just 1,000 feet off City Pier to cap Port Angeles’ 2017 celebration of Independence… Continue reading

Port Angeles pair celebrates ‘amazing accomplishment’ at 75 years

Port Angeles pair celebrates ‘amazing accomplishment’ at 75 years

Ed Berrington of Port Angeles is as sure today as he was 75 years ago that Elaine Berrington was the right woman… Continue reading

Port Angeles pair celebrates ‘amazing accomplishment’ at 75 years

Coast Guard hoists man to Port Angeles for hospital transport

A Coast Guard aircrew conducted a medical evacuation of an ill man from the cruise ship MS Amsterdam, which was off the… Continue reading

Clallam County spending down as projected deficit shrinks

Clallam County will use fewer reserves to balance the 2017 budget than previously thought, commissioners learned this week. Thanks to spikes in… Continue reading

Clallam Bay man hurt in Highway 112 wreck

A 48-year-old Clallam Bay man was treated and discharged from Olympic Medical Center after the pickup he was driving crashed along state Highway… Continue reading