Larger, two-story building may not be approved for program
IT’S ONLY FEBRUARY, but our Olympic Peninsula tourist season has already started. While profiling and stereotyping is wrong, when you see an RV the size… Continue reading
Tickets are available for the Port Angeles Education Foundation’s 2025 Celebrate Education Gala. The event is set for
5:30 p.m. March 14… Continue reading
Karen Sixkiller will discuss her series “Cancer Sticks — Corruption of Sacred Tobacco” during a Studium Generale at 12:35 p.m. Thursday. The… Continue reading
Expanded access to materials is the goal, administrator says
Kate Haworth, Taylor Counts and Tristan Lowman were among those honored during the annual Clallam County Fire District 2 awards and recognition… Continue reading
Samantha Herik, an EMT with the Port Angeles Fire Department, attaches a poster to the side of her department’s vintage 1956 Seagrave fire truck during… Continue reading
Nalini Nadkarni will present “From Roots to Canopy” at 6:30 p.m. Thursday. Nadkarni’s presentation will be part of the National Geographic Live… Continue reading
The Readers Theatre Club will present “On Golden Pond” at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and a matinee performance at 2 p.m. Sunday.… Continue reading
Appointed position goes through certification of 2025 general election
Number of overdose deaths down, official says
Construction bond, EPO levy both pass
Three finalists have been named for the Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year award. A winner will be announced at… Continue reading
now that the severe cold weather set in and then, just like that, it’s gone, means you need to prune,… Continue reading
Breakfast meetings with networking and educational programs are held at 7:30 a.m. Tuesdays at Joshua’s Restaurant, 113 Del Guzzi… Continue reading
Meetings across the North Olympic Peninsula
Event chair: Women can experience different symptoms
“EVERY SUCCESS, NO matter how small, is a victory worth celebrating,” are inspiring words Hannah Grace Nordstrom said she strives to apply daily, especially at… Continue reading
Steven Becker and Delma Morrison, both of Sequim, peer into a display tank on Friday at the Feiro Marine Life Center at Port Angeles City… Continue reading
Totem poles believed to have been stolen from the Quileute Tribe’s 101 Building in Forks have been recovered, the Clallam County Sheriff’s… Continue reading