Jefferson County

A 65-foot-long historic tug rests in the Port of Port Townsend Boat Haven Marina’s 300-ton marine lift as workers use pressure washers to blast years of barnacles and other marine life off the hull. The tug was built for the U.S. Army at Peterson SB in Tacoma in 1944. Originally designated TP-133, it is currently named Island Champion after going through several owners since the army sold it in 1947. It is now owned by Debbie Wright of Everett, who uses it as a liveaboard. The all-wood tug is the last of its kind and could possibly be entered in the 2025 Wooden Boat Festival.(Steve Mullensky/for Peninsula Daily News)

Wooden wonder

A 65-foot-long historic tug rests in the Port of Port Townsend Boat Haven Marina’s 300-ton marine lift as workers use pressure washers to blast years… Continue reading

A 65-foot-long historic tug rests in the Port of Port Townsend Boat Haven Marina’s 300-ton marine lift as workers use pressure washers to blast years of barnacles and other marine life off the hull. The tug was built for the U.S. Army at Peterson SB in Tacoma in 1944. Originally designated TP-133, it is currently named Island Champion after going through several owners since the army sold it in 1947. It is now owned by Debbie Wright of Everett, who uses it as a liveaboard. The all-wood tug is the last of its kind and could possibly be entered in the 2025 Wooden Boat Festival.(Steve Mullensky/for Peninsula Daily News)
A 35-year-old man was taken by Life Flight Network to Harborview Medical Center following a Coast Guard rescue on Monday. (U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Port Angeles via Facebook)

Injured man rescued from remote Hoh Valley

Location requires precision 180-foot hoist

A 35-year-old man was taken by Life Flight Network to Harborview Medical Center following a Coast Guard rescue on Monday. (U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Port Angeles via Facebook)

Thursday’s paper to be delivered Friday

Peninsula Daily News will have an electronic edition on Thursday that will be printed and delivered along with a separate Friday paper.… Continue reading

Counties agree on timber revenue

Recommendation goes to state association

Five taken to hospitals after three-car collision

Five people were taken to three separate hospitals following a collision that involved three vehicles at Center Road and state Highway 104, the… Continue reading

PAT NEAL: A short history of geology

THE GEOLOGY OF the Olympic Peninsula offers a fascinating glimpse into the massive forces of nature that shaped this land into one of the most… Continue reading

Poet Laureate Conner Bouchard-Roberts is exploring the overlap between poetry and civic discourse. (Elijah Sussman/Peninsula Daily News)

PT poet laureate seeks new civic language

City library has hosted events for Bouchard-Roberts

Poet Laureate Conner Bouchard-Roberts is exploring the overlap between poetry and civic discourse. (Elijah Sussman/Peninsula Daily News)

Jefferson County commissioners name Pernsteiner acting sheriff

Jefferson Democrats to nominate three interim candidates

Weekly flight operations scheduled

There will be field carrier landing practice operations for aircraft stationed at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island Complex this week. There will be… Continue reading

Port Townsend creates new department to oversee creative district

Melody Sky Weaver appointed director of Community Service Department

A GROWING CONCERN: New year brings new tasks for great gardening

may all your gardens be weed free and your flowers and bushes grow as fast as the horse tail. Here we… Continue reading

EYE ON BUSINESS: This week’s meetings

Breakfast meetings with networking and educational programs are held at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday at Joshua’s Restaurant, 113 Del Guzzi… Continue reading

Food resources are available across Peninsula

Officials say demand continues to rise over previous years

Kate Dean.

Kate Dean reflects on Jefferson County career

Will work for state office of Public Lands

Kate Dean.

Port Ludlow Arts League to host artist reception

The Port Ludlow Art League will host a reception for Marc McManus from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday. The reception will… Continue reading

Will Barrett of Port Townsend and his cairn terrier Harris brave the cold and wet weather on Friday to walk around the Marine Science Center pier at Fort Worden State Park. (Steve Mullensky/for Peninsula Daily News)

Rainy walk

Will Barrett of Port Townsend and his cairn terrier Harris brave the cold and wet weather on Friday to walk around the Marine Science Center… Continue reading

Will Barrett of Port Townsend and his cairn terrier Harris brave the cold and wet weather on Friday to walk around the Marine Science Center pier at Fort Worden State Park. (Steve Mullensky/for Peninsula Daily News)

Todd Ortloff Show guests this week

Here is this week’s schedule for the 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Todd Ortloff Show on KONP 1450 AM, 101.7 FM in… Continue reading

About 20 people took to the waters of Lake Pleasant on New Year’s morning at the Clallam County park during the Polar Bear plunge. (Lonnie Archibald/for Peninsula Daily News)

Taking the plunge

About 20 people took to the waters of Lake Pleasant on New Year’s morning at the Clallam County park during the Polar Bear plunge. (Lonnie… Continue reading

About 20 people took to the waters of Lake Pleasant on New Year’s morning at the Clallam County park during the Polar Bear plunge. (Lonnie Archibald/for Peninsula Daily News)