Jefferson County

Probe of farmed salmon pen collapse focuses on nets

Probe of farmed salmon pen collapse focuses on nets

State investigators are examining nets heavily covered with mussels and other sea life as a cause in the collapse of… Continue reading

Probe of farmed salmon pen collapse focuses on nets
Van De Wege named legislator of the year by police, sheriffs

Van De Wege named legislator of the year by police, sheriffs

Sen. Kevin Van De Wege has been named 2017 Legislator of the Year by the Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs. He received… Continue reading

Van De Wege named legislator of the year by police, sheriffs

Senate votes to extend college financial aid to state Dreamers

A bipartisan effort in the Senate has passed a bill that would extend financial opportunities in… Continue reading

State Senate passes bump stock ban

The state Senate has passed a ban on trigger modification devices that are designed to accelerate a firearm’s rate of… Continue reading

Vetoed manufacturing tax cut again pushed in bipartisan effort

Legislators are once again pushing for an across-the-board manufacturing tax cut that was vetoed during the… Continue reading

Workplace bullying and sexual harassment bills go before lawmakers

Workplace bullying and sexual harassment bills go before lawmakers

Proposals before the state Legislature would grant new protections from sexual harassment and bullying in the… Continue reading

Workplace bullying and sexual harassment bills go before lawmakers

BIRD WATCH: Watch birds for signs of spring

DARK GRAY CLOUDS, pouring rain and gale force winds one minute; sunshine and blue skies the next. That’s a familiar winter weather day in Western… Continue reading

EYE ON BUSINESS: This week’s meetings

Breakfast meetings with networking and educational programs are held Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m. at Joshua’s Restaurant, 113 DelGuzzi Drive… Continue reading

HELP LINE: Story shares details of mother’s situation

I WANT TO tell you a story. The story is about my mother. Many of you have heard bits and pieces of this story, because… Continue reading

HORSEPLAY: Adults now welcome to show horses at Clallam County fair

ARE YOU A horse-showing adult who’s secretly longed to take part in the fair but couldn’t because it was for 4-H youth groups only? To… Continue reading

LETTER: Doesn’t want new missile magazine at Indian Island

Disappointed in missiles I was disappointed to read about the Navy’s proposal to build five new missile magazines on Indian Island, for a few reasons… Continue reading

PENINSULA KITCHEN: It’s thyme to start harvesting fresh plants

PENINSULA KITCHEN: It’s thyme to start harvesting fresh plants

THE SKIES HAVE been mostly gloomy and news reports (real or imagined) leave me feeling either scared or angry. But if you look close there… Continue reading

PENINSULA KITCHEN: It’s thyme to start harvesting fresh plants
Port of Port Townsend sets start date for south jetty rebuild

Port of Port Townsend sets start date for south jetty rebuild

Port of Port Townsend commissioners have set a mid-September start date for demolishing and replacing the failing Point Hudson south jetty. The… Continue reading

Port of Port Townsend sets start date for south jetty rebuild

EYE ON JEFFERSON: PUD public hearing set on proposed rate hikes

Jefferson County Public Utility District commissioners will conduct a public hearing on proposed rate increased at 5 p.m. Monday. The hearing will be at the… Continue reading

Port Angeles Coast Guard crew hoists man to safety near Whidbey Island

An aircrew from Coast Guard Air Station/Sector Field Office Port Angeles participated in a rescue Friday. The Coast Guard rescued a man… Continue reading

Port Townsend celebrates creative craft brews at Strange Brewfest this weekend

Port Townsend celebrates creative craft brews at Strange Brewfest this weekend

Chris Weir, assistant head brewer at Port Townsend Brewing, has been staying very busy the past few weeks preparing for the 14th… Continue reading

Port Townsend celebrates creative craft brews at Strange Brewfest this weekend
New approach to funding schools concerns officials in Chimacum

New approach to funding schools concerns officials in Chimacum

Chimacum School District, which has been central to the state Supreme Court’s landmark McCleary decision, is feeling budgetary pressures as enrollment declines, the… Continue reading

New approach to funding schools concerns officials in Chimacum
Portion of West Uncas Road to be closed for several months during bridge construction

Portion of West Uncas Road to be closed for several months during bridge construction

A portion of West Uncas Road will be closed for several months starting June 1 to allow the culvert at Salmon Creek… Continue reading

Portion of West Uncas Road to be closed for several months during bridge construction
All services in Olympic National Park now open after shutdown

All services in Olympic National Park now open after shutdown

Olympic National Park has resumed regular operations now that President Donald Trump has signed a bill reopening the government. The bill signed… Continue reading

All services in Olympic National Park now open after shutdown