Washington Coast Work’s Sustainable Small Business Competition application deadline is Monday, May 22. The competition is open to people from coastal communities on the Olympic… Continue reading
Peninsula Daily News columnist Pat Neal’s May 3 commentary [“Green Crab Newest Tormentor”] regarding eliminating the invasive green crab was about as near the truth… Continue reading
The Al Andalus Ensemble will perform an evening of music and dance at 7 p.m. Thursday. “The Bridge” will be at Quimper… Continue reading
The PTeRider, a short-distance taxi service and tour company that uses small electric vehicles, was awarded the Sustainable Future award by the… Continue reading
After months of discussion and deliberation, the Port Townsend City Council will have its first opportunity to take action on an ordinance… Continue reading
The Interior Department has identified 27 national monuments, mostly in Western states, that it is reviewing for possible changes to the protections created… Continue reading
Trump has indeed drained the political swamp but turned it into a quagmire full of nepotism and antagonistic insiders. His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, with no… Continue reading
Olympic Theatre Arts’ final production of the 2016-17 season will open Friday, June 9. The play, titled “Vanya and Sonia and Masha and… Continue reading
HERE WE ARE in the first weekend of my favorite month. (It just sounds so good!) Since this is the month for flowers (think April… Continue reading
An author, playwright and poet told 200 people who paid $95 apiece for dinner Friday that he hears voices, hallucinates, gets manic, is… Continue reading
CITIES, ESPECIALLY LARGE cities, aren’t my preferred habitat. Ever since I was hatched, the great outdoors is where I have wanted to be. Sometimes, you… Continue reading
Monthly luncheon meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:15 a.m. in the second-floor… Continue reading
The First Federal Community Foundation has awarded 15 grants to nonprofits in Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap and Whatcom counties. Five grants are in… Continue reading
WANT TO SEE how to strike unmitigated terror into the hearts of hundreds of people, mostly male people? Watch. OK, now, we’re all remembering what… Continue reading
Do you want to know how to break the logjam in the United States Congress? It’s quite simple: Remind your elected legislators in the Senate… Continue reading
In part, this letter is in reply to an April 20 column in the Peninsula Daily News by Thursday columnist Catherine Rampell: “The Appeal Of… Continue reading
National Nurses Day was observed May 6. We nurses are very fortunate that we have chosen a profession that will fulfill and enrich our lives.… Continue reading
I am writing this as a response to the May 3 letter to Peninsula Voices in the Peninsula Daily News [“Climate march”] that asked if… Continue reading
For a really laughable moment, consider Ivanka Trump on stage with Angela Merkel and other European dignitaries having to defend her father’s support of women… Continue reading
Olympic National Park, which had more than 3 million visitors last year, does not have written procedures for searches for people… Continue reading