Is this what a dictatorship looks like? The president signed an order forbidding entry of certain people to the United States. It was effective immediately… Continue reading
The press is the opposition and should keep their mouths shut, according to Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump’s adviser. Really? We have listened to Trump’s… Continue reading
In rebuttal to the Jan. 29 letter in Peninsula Voices, “Will miss Obama,” Obama did not lead the country “out of a serious financial crisis.”… Continue reading
unless circumstances warrant one. I am certain those who oppose abortion mean well. However,… Continue reading
Mountain View Pool’s new Red Fins Youth Swim Club will hold tryouts for young athletes ages 5 through 18 beginning Monday. The… Continue reading
The three Jefferson County commissioners will consider a human rights proclamation when they meet Monday. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. in commissioners’ chambers… Continue reading
A U.S. judge today temporarily blocked President Donald Trump’s ban on people from seven predominantly Muslim countries after Washington state… Continue reading
U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer has joined other members of the House of Representatives to ask President Donald J. Trump’s administration to specify whether… Continue reading
NOW IS THE time to nominate your local hero. We are looking for people who make a difference in Jefferson County, individuals who have made… Continue reading
Pile-driving began Wednesday on the Navy’s
$25.6 million pier project on Ediz Hook. Not that city residents, going about their business downtown… Continue reading
More than 100 recently discovered ballots from the general election will not be opened or counted, according to Shoona Riggs, Clallam County… Continue reading
Tax-Aide, an AARP Foundation service that files taxes for free, is back on the North Olympic Peninsula to help out this tax… Continue reading
An Irondale house suffered moderate damage after fire broke out in a bedroom Thursday morning. No one was home and there were… Continue reading
More than 30 people turned out for a heated discussion on the Port of Port Townsend’s capital projects and the proposed rate… Continue reading
The author of “Babe in the Woods: Building a Life One Log at a Time” will speak at libraries on the North Olympic Peninsula. Yvonne… Continue reading
Kathy Hawkins and Arlene West will speak about container gardening in the fourth presentation of the Yard &Garden Lecture series Saturday. The… Continue reading
Fiber Fusion, tin can art, weaving, local quilts and and oils of huge blossoms are among the attractions of the Port Townsend… Continue reading
How does Protection Island differ today from when Europeans first explored it? Wildlife biologist Sollmann Lorenz will talk about that at the… Continue reading
Two internationally known early music soloists will come from Germany and Montreal to perform French works from the reign of Louis XIV… Continue reading
WE TALK ABOUT unity in our country or community, but this is just a word that makes a lot of people feel better in saying,… Continue reading