Gov. Inslee’s executive order on preventing opioid addiction and overdose deaths is praised by local leaders.
The order calls for efforts to prevent overdose deaths, including expanding access to naloxone, a medication used to counter overdose effects.
The Lower Elwha Klallam, Makah, Quileute and Jamestown S’Klallam tribes presented the retiring senator with gifts as he received a lifetime achievement award.
The market’s board hopes to expand to 14,900 square feet, adding space for staff, shoppers and produce.
Pro side says removing big money from politics will even the playing field. Opponents worry about limiting First Amendment.
Hillary Clinton is far and above the more honest and hard-working of the two.
News items for the North Olympic Peninsula
Festival continues today at City Pier, rain or shine.
Because your garden should reflect the best aspects of your tastes.
With fall in the air, birds are on the move, including mountain bluebirds and Townsend’s solitaires.
Four houses for sale were recently moved into town.
Here are the various business meetings this week across the North Olympic Peninsula.
Mark Harvey laments the changes that life brings.
The GOP has spent close to $80 million investigating the Clintons and coming up with nothing.
The Democrats are hoping a carbon tax will bring Mother Nature to heel.
Her policies encourage illegal immigrants and refugees to take our jobs for a lower wage while illegally benefiting from the system.
The Republican presidential nominee loses in the Electoral College race as opposed to the popular vote and will refuse to concede a loss to Hillary Clinton.
We need to send a message on Election Day that this potential avoidance of paying taxes for nearly two decades is unacceptable and untenable.
News events across the North Olympic Peninsula.
A request from her daughter, combined with the cool autumn evenings, sends Sanford in search of tortellini recipe.