Regional News

(Herald file photo)

State Supreme Court strikes down $30 car-tab initiative

Justices on Thursday unanimously agreed that voter-approved Initiative 976 is unconstitutional

(Herald file photo)

ACLU sues over state suspending licenses due to unpaid fines

Says it hurts people who can’t afford to pay

A group of protesters toppled statues of former presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln in Portland's South Park Block late Sunday, Oct. 11, 2020. (Sean Meagher/The Oregonian via AP)

Protesters knock down Roosevelt, Lincoln statues in Portland

Declaration of ‘rage’ over Columbus Day

A group of protesters toppled statues of former presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln in Portland's South Park Block late Sunday, Oct. 11, 2020. (Sean Meagher/The Oregonian via AP)

DNR lifts temporary ban on lawful shooting

The state Department of Natural Resources has lifted its temporary ban on the lawful discharge of firearms on its lands. The ban, which… Continue reading

Washington gubernatorial candidates Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat, left, and Loren Culp, a Republican, right, are shown on a monitor in a video control room at the studios of TVW, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020, in Olympia, Wash., as they take part in a debate. Due to concerns over COVID-19, each candidate took part in the debate from individual rooms separate from moderators. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

Inslee, Culp spar over COVID-19 in only debate for governor

Candidates differ on how pandemic has been handled

Washington gubernatorial candidates Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat, left, and Loren Culp, a Republican, right, are shown on a monitor in a video control room at the studios of TVW, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020, in Olympia, Wash., as they take part in a debate. Due to concerns over COVID-19, each candidate took part in the debate from individual rooms separate from moderators. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Washington gubernatorial candidates Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat, center-left, and Loren Culp, a Republican, center-right, are shown on a monitor in a video control room at the studios of TVW, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020, in Olympia, Wash., as they take part in a debate. Due to concerns over COVID-19, each candidate took part in the debate from individual rooms separate from moderators. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

Inslee, Culp meet in first and only governor’s debate

Candidates disagree immediately over state’s response to coronavirus pandemic

Washington gubernatorial candidates Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat, center-left, and Loren Culp, a Republican, center-right, are shown on a monitor in a video control room at the studios of TVW, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020, in Olympia, Wash., as they take part in a debate. Due to concerns over COVID-19, each candidate took part in the debate from individual rooms separate from moderators. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

Virginia Mason Memorial nurses file complaint over virus conditions

Say they have been short staffed and low on PPE

Critics vow to continue efforts to remove Snake River dams

Tribe prepared to defend river, described as a living being

Inslee eases COVID restrictions on restaurants, theaters

Gov. Jay Inslee on Tuesday didn’t move any counties forward or backward in his four-phase COVID-19 reopening plan, but he… Continue reading

Children’s vaccinations in Washington drop during pandemic

Fewer children are getting scheduled vaccinations for diseases such as measles in Washington state since March, when it became clear… Continue reading

‘Significant outbreak’ of COVID-19 seen in UW Greek system

Dozens of cases confirmed among sorority, fraternity organizations

Pacific Power utility sued over wildfires

Pacific Power utility sued over wildfires

Three Pacific Northwest law firms have filed a class action lawsuit against the Pacific Power utility and its parent… Continue reading

Pacific Power utility sued over wildfires

3 dead, 1 hurt in Salem hostage incident

Investigation is underway by Oregon State Police

Possible rare ‘seven-armed octopus’ found on Whidbey beach

Possible rare ‘seven-armed octopus’ found on Whidbey beach

Scientists from across the nation believe it’s most likely a specimen of Haliphron atlanticus

Possible rare ‘seven-armed octopus’ found on Whidbey beach
Boeing says South Carolina choice for 787 production

Boeing says South Carolina choice for 787 production

Boeing said Thursday it will shut down the original assembly line for its two-aisle 787 jetliner… Continue reading

Boeing says South Carolina choice for 787 production
U.S. prosecutor rejects Portland mayor’s request to end federal deputation

U.S. prosecutor rejects Portland mayor’s request to end federal deputation

City has seen protests almost every night since George Floyd’s death

U.S. prosecutor rejects Portland mayor’s request to end federal deputation

State’s minimum wage will increase to $13.69 in 2021

Washington state’s minimum wage is increasing 19 cents to $13.69 per hour starting Jan. 1, 2021, the first increase determined… Continue reading

Two wells for drinking water near Naval base contaminated

Two wells bordering Naval Base Kitsap’s southern edge have been found to have potentially harmful levels of contamination caused by… Continue reading

EYE ON CONGRESS: Both chambers may take up COVID-19 relief package

The Senate this week will debate stopgap government funding for fiscal 2021, which starts Oct. 1, and both chambers may take up a… Continue reading